Wednesday, 24 September 2014

5 Word GPS

Inspired by the amazing Dave Burgess (Teach Like a Pirate), for attendance today, students came up with a 5-word GPS - a combination of 5 words they'd like their future students to use when thinking about their teaching. I tried to blow their minds by quickly whipping up a Wordle, but with slow Internet and out-of-date Java, I was unable to do so. Here's a Tagul (similar idea) that shows what is important to 1140A.

Thanks to Sarah for being our secretary and for her fast typing skills. 

Saturday, 6 September 2014

What Stuck With Us? Class #1: Introduction to Literacy

Every class, students will be expected to fill out a "What Stuck With You Today?" survey.

This week, I took the results from your week 1 responses about our Introduction to Literacy class and created this word cloud on Wordle. The words that appear in the highest frequency in your responses appear the largest in the word cloud.

Note: Wordle is super easy to use, but it needs Java to work. It does not work on Google Chrome. Use another browser like Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox instead.

Reminder Email Sent Sept. 6th, 2014

Below is the email I sent to all students on Saturday, September 6th, 2014:

 Hello PED1140A,

 It was great to meet you all last week and I'm really looking forward to our class next Wednesday.

  I thought of a few things that I didn't get to in class time last week or I wanted to remind you of before next class:

#1. Media Permission - I'd like to share stories and photos on our class blog ​and my twitter account 
It would be great to be able to share about you (nothing personal, just photos and stories of our work in class), but I do not want to do so without your permission. Please fill out the following form to let me know if I can use your photo/first name on our class blog and twitter:
The rationale for this: I'd like our learning to be open sourced, others from around the world can view what we are doing and share it, try it themselves or add suggestions. I do this with my elementary classes as well. Also, I think it is VITAL for each of us to own and control our online identify. Control what you put out into the world. Check and see what happens when you google your own name. Are you happy with the results?

#2. Devices - Please try to bring a device with you to next week's class if possible (a laptop or netbook is best, but a tablet or smart phone will work). If you do not have access to a device, please email me back and let me know. I can bring a Chromebook for you to use next class.

#3. Volunteering in my Classroom - We are not taking a field trip as a class in Language. However, getting into classrooms and observing experienced teachers and practicing your methods is absolutely vital to your development as a teacher. If you are interested in coming into my class (grade 3/4) or having me arrange for a visit to another class, please let me know via email. This option is open to you all year - through this semester or next. My classroom is an experimental place and if you'd like to try to teach a lesson (or co-teach one with a friend), I'm always open!

#4. Office Hours - My office hours are scheduled for Wednesdays from 12-1 in the part-time professor's office (LMX210). It's not a great space for meeting. Please email me if you'd like to meet during that time period and we can arrange for another location (perhaps the cafeteria on LMX's 1st floor?) 

#5. Twitter - I'm very excited to see that more than a quarter of you have either started Twitter accounts or connected with me via Twitter this week. Here is a list of your classmates on Twitter: If you want to start an account before next class, here is some information on how to do it:
  If you join Twitter at any point, feel free to tweet at me by using my twitter name with an "at" symbol in a tweet (@misspollock). I will happily follow you!
  I hope that several of you will be "backchanneling" next class and will tweet during our time together, using the hashtag #L2L4L
  Some of you expressed an interest in starting a Twitter account. I'd be thrilled to help you before or after class. Let me know if that interests you!

#6. Google Drive: Before next class, make sure to log in to the Google Drive using your uOttawa email address and password. Visit and enter your credentials on the log-in page.
Then, you'll be "in" your Drive account. You can create and share documents, spreadsheets, forms and presentations. 
  I have shared a "Welcome" doc with you. Once you're in your Drive, click on "Incoming" on the left hand side.
​​The doc I shared will be waiting for you. You have permission to edit it!

The Drive is the ideal way for you to submit your work to me this term and, in my opinion, the ONLY way to collaborating with peers. Remember, if you share a doc with me, write your name before the title!

#6. Questions for Next Class: Our class this week will be focused on Planning and Classroom set up. If you have any specific questions about that topic that you would like me to address in class, feel free to email me before Tuesday at 6 p.m.

#7. Homework: Thanks to those of you who completed this week's homework in a timely manner. If you haven't yet, please make sure to fill do the following:
​3. Leave a comment on the class blog​ (if you post a question, I'll be sure to answer it!)
4. Read the Ontario Language curriculum - pages 3-14, 22-top of 24 and 30-31
5. access your Google Drive
6. Think about what you're going to teach us with your 60-second story 
​#8. Class Blog: Don't forget that ALL materials from our class (plus some bonus materials I'll post this term) are available on our class blog.

#9. Totally optional Think Tank Invite: If you're interested, I'm starting an Educational Think Tank here in Ottawa. Check out the details if you want! All are welcome! ​

​Thanks for getting to the bottom of this post. Bonus points if you have and you greet me with the secret phrase,"everything is awesome" next class. I'll know you read through the whole email!​

​Thanks and see you Wednesday at 1 p.m.!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

How and Why to Join Twitter

Do you want to start a Twitter account? You really should!

Twitter is the new PD. Every educator can connect with educators from all over the world and extend their learning, personalize it and learn professionally anytime and any place. I cannot encourage you highly enough to take some time to figure out Twitter.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial from wikiHow on how to start your account.

I'll be tweeting throughout our course, using the hashtag #L2L4L (Bringing Language to Life for Life). Please feel free to do the same. Using a hashtag helps to organize the enormous volume of tweets that make their way into the world every moment of the day. Some of your classmates in PED1140A have already been experimenting with Twitter. Feel free to check them out on our class Twitter list. 

If you join Twitter, let me know! Just tweet at me using my username @misspollock in your tweet and I'll add you to our class list!

UPDATE (Sept, 6th, 2014): Still looking for more of an explanation of Twitter? Check out David Truss' blog post.